When is the 2024 Autistic Pride Day? Date, subject, background, importance, and more

The autistic community gathers annually on June 18th to commemorate a day of acceptance and pride. Since 2005, this day has been commemorated as Autistic Pride Day. But because this year is Autistic Pride Day’s 20th anniversary, in 2024 it will mean much more.

As we anticipate this historic commemoration, let’s examine the background and meaning of Autism Pride Day in more detail.

The Time
Every year on June 18, we mark Autism Pride Day. This day was selected to fall on Dr. Jim Sinclair’s birthday, a well-known advocate for autistic rights. The phrase “autistic pride” was first used by Dr. Sinclair in his well-known article “Don’t Mourn for Us,” which was released in 1993.

The Subject
World Autism Pride Day’s theme this year is “Taking the Mask Off.”

The Background
The now-defunct autistic advocacy group Aspies for Freedom organized the inaugural Autistic Pride Day celebration in 2005. The purpose of this day was to increase acceptance and knowledge of neurodiversity as well as autism awareness. Additionally, it aimed to dispel the stigma and unfavorable perceptions around autism.

Since then, people, groups, and communities all across the globe have come to acknowledge and celebrate Autism Pride Day. It now serves as a venue for autistic people to unite and celebrate their distinct identities, assets, and social achievements.

The Importance
For the autism community, Autistic Pride Day is very important since it’s a day to celebrate their identities and spread awareness about neurodiversity and acceptance. Because of social beliefs about autism, people with autism have been neglected and subjected to discrimination for far too long.

On this day, people with autism have the chance to take back control of their story and express how proud they are of who they are. It also acts as a prompt for society to acknowledge and cherish the variety and worth that neurodiversity offers to the planet.

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