Today’s Prices for Gas and Diesel: Find Out What’s New in Your City on June 18

Prices for Gas and Diesel On June 18, 2024, OMCs announced the most recent June 18 gasoline and diesel pricing. The cost of fuel is determined by the global price of crude oil. Fuel prices in India fluctuate in response to fluctuations in the price of crude oil. Look into the most recent rates for gasoline and diesel to find out whether the cost of a liter will go up for consumers.

Every day at six a.m., the nation’s government oil marketing organizations announce the most recent pricing for gasoline and diesel.

Since the national government reduced fuel prices by Rs 2 in March 2024, prices have stayed the same throughout the majority of the country. Prior to it, gasoline costs had been stable since May 2022 as a result of the federal government and numerous states lowering fuel taxes. However, due to increasing sales tax, the Karnataka government recently raised the price of gasoline and fuel by Rs 3 per liter.

The pricing of gasoline and diesel are posted on the websites of companies such as Indian Oil Corporation of India and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation. Tell us about the most recent gasoline costs.

Current Indian Price of Petrol and Diesel (See the rate list per city below.)

Mumbai Fuel & Diesel Cost

As of June 18, the cost of gasoline in Mumbai remained over Rs 100, coming in at Rs 104.21 a litre, while the cost of diesel was Rs 92.15 per liter.

Delhi Diesel Cost Right Now

The price of a liter of diesel is Rs 87.62 as of June 18.

Today’s Gas Prices in Delhi

The price of a liter of gasoline in Delhi is Rs 94.72 as of June 18.

Kolkata Fuel and Diesel Cost

The cost of gasoline is Rs 103.94 and the cost of diesel is Rs 90.76 per litre in Kolkata.

Chennai Fuel and Diesel Cost

In Chennai, one litre of gasoline costs Rs 100.85, while one litre of diesel costs Rs 92.43.

Verify the June 18 gas and fuel rates by city:

Rates for Petrol and Diesel in Other Cities (Petrol and Diesel Rates, June 18, 2024)

Petrol costs Rs 94.66 a litre in Noida, while diesel costs Rs 87.76.

Bengaluru offers diesel at Rs 85.93 and petrol for Rs 99.84 per liter.

Gurugram: The cost per liter of petrol is Rs 95.05, while diesel is Rs 87.91.

Chandigarh: A litre of petrol costs Rs 94.24, while a litre of diesel costs Rs 82.40.

Hyderabad: A liter of petrol costs Rs 107.41, while a litre of diesel costs Rs 95.65.

In Jaipur, a liter of petrol costs Rs 104.88, while a litre of diesel costs Rs 90.36.

In Patna, a liter of petrol costs Rs 105.42, while a litre of diesel costs Rs 92.27.

Lucknow: A litre of petrol costs Rs 94.52, while a litre of diesel costs Rs 87.61.

Use an SMS to find out the price of gasoline and diesel.

Additionally, you may use SMS to get the most recent rates on gasoline and diesel in your city. If you are an Indian Oil client, you must transmit the RSP to 9224992249, along with the city code. If you are a BPCL customer, you may write an RSP and email it to 9223112222 to find out the updated price of gasoline and diesel. On the other hand, if you are an HPCL client, you may send an email with HP Price to 9222201122 to find out the price of gasoline and diesel.

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